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inspired educator - spiritual artist - published author

Exploring the mysteries of life & death to inspire, empower & create the betterment of our human experiences


i am creating a human experience”

-June-Elleni laine


I believe you are here on purpose, through our frequency we attract who and what we 'need'.

You are welcome to explore the mysteries of Spirit Inspired Art, Intuitive & Psychic Drawing, Spirit Portraits, and more…

Please use your intuition (inner tutor) to interpret what you see, read and sense on these pages ——>




if not now, when?

✅ This is the perfect time to get ahead of the inevitable rally of AI by evolving to the next level of consciousness.

✅ Fast-track your growth exponentially towards your fullest potential. Your future self will thank you, as you learn to consciously choose better actions that make your life easier and more rewarding. 

✅ It’s time to take action increase your mental wealth; invest in yourself, if you don’t who else will?

how can I help you?

make your life easier



1. Spirit Portraits / Psychic Drawing - Connect with loved ones or spirit guides. 2. Traverse Your Timeline uniting past present future to become self-empowered. 3. Co-Create EnVisioning Mandala Art to manifest your specific goals. 4. Private Lessons



On this page you can buy my books and companion CD. Also check out my recommended reading list and the suggested art materials you would need for developing spirit inspired art.


courses workshops & events

Explore courses, workshops, and talks that can teach you how to harness extrasensory abilities to enhance different areas of your life. Discover ways to balance practicality, spirituality, and emotional intelligence as you navigate work, rest, and play, moving towards improving the quality of your life.


how does a spirit portrait of a loved one help those in grief?

Watching spirit faces of loved one appear quickly as I draw, is an experience like no other. Along with the drawing comes loving energy from spirit that helps those left behind in grief to heal. Connection grows steadily when I start to interpret their memories that validate times when they were alive. Clients often say they feel bathed in love as their loved ones draw close to inspire me to draw their faces as they remember themselves in life at whatever age they decide.

You can find validation photographs in my gallery that were shared by clients after their consultations to show the likeness. Sometimes portraits are similar enough, while other times they are surprisingly accurate.

how does a spirit portrait of a spirit guide help those looking for guidance?

Guiding energy often seeps through from spirit when we need it, however it can seem invisible and out of reach. To see the face of a spirit guide during a consultation is like having the light turned on in a dark room. A validation that we are not alone after all. We have a natural human longing to see the faces of those who communicate with us. The drawings act as portals that help to focus and enhance connection between you and your Spirit Guides.

The information that is shared during a consultation, can clarify what has happened before, what is happening now, and how best to deal with what will happen in the future.

can I receive a spirit portrait ?

This video shows an introduction to a Spirit Portrait Demo, where I explain what happens when loved ones attempt to reach through from the spirit world to bring recognisable images and messages of love that validate their identity.


do you suddenly feel drained?

you may be an empath ( a highly SENSITIVE person)

If you notice you are sensitive to other people moods, it's a good idea to cleanse and close your chakras after you've been around people. Find out why in this video...

and check out The eLearning Course if you’re ready to take the next steps towards self-empowerment.

How To Close Your Chakras and cleanse away nuisance energy

If you suddenly feel your mood change for no reason, or you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable, do this —>


get in touch –

If you have an idea, you’d like more information, or have a question please get in touch using the button below:

follow @juneellenilaine