What is the elearning course?

  • The eLearning Course is a wealth of unique life-changing information online, on demand.

  • In easy to digest modules, that offer inspired, fun ways to create a better human experience by supercharging your intuition.

  • The eLearning Course is presented in written material, artwork, videos and audios, as well as interesting bonus third-party links offering extra information.

  • Is a way of teaching extra-sensory perception (esp) naturally and safely that will change you at the core.

  • Is a comfortable, reliable and easy journey into self-discovery.

  • It begins with modules 1–3 to develop your foundation skills

  • Teaches ways to support your sensitivity, especially for empaths that get overwhelmed by the energy of others.

  • It offers further modules 4 - 8 to develop specialist intuitive art abilities that also enhance your life in many ways.

  • A great opportunity to join a global community of like-minded students to connect with.

    how does it work?

  • It works gently, safely and consistently building your knowledge and skill sets, in both practical and spiritual avenues.

  • As you journey through the modules, you will be invited to use both sides of your brain.

  • You will be encourages to develop your esp in simple, fun and lighthearted ways.

  • It teaches you to differentiate your left and right brain skills so that you use your whole brain in cooperation with your esp.

  • Each module builds on the last offering you a deeper experience, increasing life-skills, tools and strategies that are solid and simple to use.

  • It teaches you how to use art as a tool to develop a deeper connection with the creative flow of the universe, even if you can’t draw.

  • It validates your extra sensory perceptions and intuition.

how can it help you?

  • The eLeaarning Course offers you life-skills and spiritual strategies, that can overcome self-sabotaging behaviours which prevented you from achieving the life you want to create.

  • As a creator, not a victim of your life experiences, you will heighten your status and increase your self-worth.

  • When you find answers to the questions you’ve probably asked about your life and why you are here, it’s both interesting and empowering.

  • It can help you make difficult conversations easier.

  • Finding new perspectives on ‘what happened to you’ can be utterly life-changing.

  • To actually realise you are part of what is changeable, will allow you to more easily let go of what no longer serves you.

  • The ultimate benefit for everyone is of feeling safe, loved and connected with the wisdom of your future self!

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how can I trust my intuition?

Have you ever wondered how you can use your intuition to make your daily life easier?

Do you have moments of connection? Perhaps the time your phone rang and you immediately knew who it was, or the time when you entered a new coffee shop, feeling as if you've been there before; perhaps in a dream. Yet sometimes on other days you feel like the connection has vanished?

Yes, any of these things are signs that you are ready to ignite, understand and value the sixth-sense skills that are your birthright but frustratingly lie just beyond your control at this time.

Now is the time to make your life easier; dive into this eLearning course offering tried and tested training that offers real life-changing results.

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expect AN EVOLUTION OF mind and emotions that will help you create an easier self-empowered life, as part of an online community of like minded people.

What might this evolution feel like? When you initiate your personal evolution on this course, you begin to realise the thing that is holding you back is the outdated misshapen identity you have accepted as ‘you’.

Once you see your true self from a new perspective, it feels like you’ve put down an invisible weight that was slowing you down, using up your energy and distracting you. You won’t want to fit in where you don’t belong any more.

Instead of being held back, you discover a new and exciting sense of self that carries you forward into a new, easier, self-empowered way of living. It changes the way you think; you feel it, you know it, you live it.

You get the sense that you can create exactly what you need, from conquering phobias to creating a lighter body and heart. Even the questions you ask are different. You stop repeating unproductive and even destructive old patterns. You open to embrace new perspectives, and you solidify your connection with the flow of lifeforce that feeds you. There is a shift from victim to creator, from surviving to thriving, from waiting for something to happen to being the something that is happening.

why this course at this time?

This course was created by one of the few spirit inspired art teachers in the world, with over 35 years experience and a solid reputation of practising what she teaches. Her rare specialisation in Spirit Portraits & Traversing Timelines validates and solidifies her work. June-Elleni has created these easy to understand step-by-step modules that will empower you to enhance your innate extra sensory perception and supercharge your creativity so you can thrive in a world where even surviving is becoming more and more challenging.

✅ This is the perfect time to get ahead of the inevitable rally of AI on it’s way into the workplace day by day, as you begin evolving to the next level of consciousness. I had a surprising conversation with CHAT GDP ( the latest AI intelligence) ME : What can humans do better than AI? Are you curious? Sign up to the course overview for details.

✅It’s time to take this journey of your personal betterment along side your spiritual and intuitive development, to fast-track your growth exponentially, supercharging you every step of the way towards your fullest potential. Your future self will thank you, as you learn to more easily understand why you have taken particular actions at certain times, and how to consciously choose better actions that will make your life easier and happier going forward.

✅ It’s time to take action today. There is no better time to invest in yourself, if you don’t who else will?


curious about the creator

of this course?


This short video gives you an overview of June-Elleni’s background, spirit portrait ability and endorsements from clients & students. It concludes with a short message from her talking about the course.


why sign up?

✅ it’s time to EVOLve to the next level

In a world that is on course to become overwhelmed by artificial intelligence sooner than most of us think, we need to step up right now! Our choice is simple, repeat old patterns that can lead to even more anxiety and self-doubt or EVOLVE beyond the fear trap and move to the next level.

✅ it’s easy and fun to take part WHEN IT FITS IN WITH YOUR own SCHEDULE

Study at a time that suits you. No special software or hardware is required and a mentor is only an email away if you have questions. You can study the modules for the benefit of learning, or pass quizzes to receive a certificate of completion. We are planning retreats to compliment the course, now the world has reopened for travel.

✅ to achieve certified metaphysical education

Get 75% + correct in each of the module quizzes to receive a certificate of completion. Be aware signing up for the course does not guarantee a certificate, we need to know, you really get it. Once certified you may be invited to mentor & teach as our community grows if you are interested. Register your interest when you sign up.

still curious?

sign up for FREE access to a detailed course overview and fees


Please be aware that refunds will not be offered on the purchase of the eLearning Course, as this is a digital product. Please see terms and conditions for more information.