part 1 - what’s your goal?


choose your goal

check your motivation is aligned to your values

finalise your goal

focus on and clear any self talk or unhelpful energy that may prevent you achieving that goal

understand words are magic, that’s why we ‘spell them’

MAKE notes about how you’re feeling and what you’ve achieved as you advance through each part of this module. this is helpful for your own growth and also it makes the evaluation & quiz at the end much easier and quicker to complete.


choose your goal

It may sound simple, however there is an art to creating a clear, simple goal that excites you. We mostly know what we don’t want, but 8 out of 10 students I’ve guided through this work, don’t know what they want until we go through the process! We begin by considering the goals we want, and then checking in with our motivation. Decide what you value most in life, what are the things that you need for a good life. Once you know what your values are it’s much easier to decide what goal you want to achieve. In the world today I encourage you to put mental health high on your list of values and if your intended goal creates mental wealth, well done indeed!.


check your motivation

Once you think you have decided on your goal, it’s time to check your motivation before finalising that goal - you’ve already learned how to. Here’s a reminder from module one motivated intent

Checklist to finalise your goal

It aligns with your life values

The intention excites you and the thought of it brings joy

You’re motivated to achieve it

It’s something that will benefit you and others

It does no harm to anyone

clear unhelpful energy

The art of clearing energy is fundamental when looking after your well-being and to preventing blockers to your goals. You’ve already learned how to do it here in Module One part 3 so when it comes to creating goals, you need to use it again to clear any and all energy that specifically blocks your ability to manifest your particular goal.

Unhelpful energies can be conscious and/or unconscious; fear of not achieving the specific goal, negative self-talk such as ‘this may work for others but not me’. Even an unconscious fear of success will prevent you from achieving what you intend for.

Any of these can be conscious thoughts or even more powerfully sabotaging are subconscious or unconscious thoughts or belief structures, set in place by previous experiences, social pressure or other draining events. Often the previous experiences that set up limiting patterns. stem from your formative years in childhood. The root of these patterns are dealt with in Module Seven.

And besides your intention for your chosen goal, the goal of this creative endeavor is to focus on and give attention to the excitement you can feel when you think of what you can create, rather than focussing on the anxiety of what you may not be able to create. Remember the idea with the strongest emotion will win!


watch this video showing how to do a clearing mandala again, but this time make your clearing focus specifically on anything from preventing your goal…

Before scribbling out the energy you may say …

“I intend to clear any and all energy in my aura that prevents me from achieving my intention to —-> this is the part where you will state your goal<—- ” Eg. it could be to “create the perfect home for me”

It will be helpful to repeat this while drawing out any blocked energy, do it every day for a week and then just once each week for a month. You will notice it gets easier and lighter as you go on. It’s very good to acknowledge this. Make note that reflect how you feel after each clearing.

June-Elleni Laine