Module Seven Part 1 - Traversing Your Timeline(tyt)
Learn the history & Background of Traversing Your Timeline
Understand how reincarnation was explained
Discover what TYT is, why we need, And what TYT is not!
be open to the idea you can traverse your timeline
listen to the interview audio; learn how tyt works
MAKE notes about how you’re feeling and what you’ve achieved as you advance through each part of this module. this is helpful for your own growth and also it makes the evaluation & quiz at the end much easier and quicker to complete.
how tyt began
Traversing Your Timeline (TYT) began to emerge after drawing a portrait of a spirit guide claiming to be Leonardo DaVinci.
Normally after a consultation, I’d cleanse, close down and get on. But this time I didn’t cleanse or close down and instead found myself thinking about the spirit guide again. Skeptically wondering if this really could be the famous Leonardo DaVinci who lived in the 1400’s.
Suddenly, I got the sense of laughter and I could feel amusement. My ears popped and I heard. “Reincarnation doesn’t work the way you think.”
I was both surprised and fascinated as I sensed a new way of understanding about to be opened up. I am glad to say I was privileged to receive ongoing encounters from this overwhelming Spirit Guide for several years after that.
The images below show a portrait of Da Vinci I drew originally in the first box and added to whenever he connected, little by little each time it evolved until finally I had a drawing with an energy beyond anything I could have achieved by myself.
piece it together
My sense of the energy, information and knowledge offered was that of a giant jigsaw puzzle, containing not only the answer to my question about reincarnation, but also untold wisdom of a route to self-empowerment and authentic love by using time travel. However unlike a jigsaw puzzle, there was no picture on the box, I had to piece it together, without the help of a completed image.
The davinci experience
DaVinci gave in a measured way, not too much in one go, just enough. That’s how it went most of the time. Sometimes I’d fight to force a piece of the puzzle to fit in where it really didn’t belong, until I leaned to put that piece to one side until a hole opened up as it inevitable did. It’s been an amazing journey that I am truly grateful for. I hope you enjoy experiencing TYT as much as I did piecing it together.
DaVinci explains reincarnation
Using the power of metaphor, Imagine your body is a bottle that contains water that was scooped up from a vast sea of spiritual energy.
The water inside your bottle is your soul, which takes on the shape of the body and has the capacity to store memories made during the lifetime. It memorises events that shape your ego, whose job is to view yourself as separated from the sea.
Also imagine the bottle floating in that vast sea of spiritual energy. The sea can subtly influence the soul within the bottle but from the perspective of the soul it is unaware of the sea and believes it is alone.
when the bottle breaks
When the bottle breaks
At a certain time the bottle will break, the water imprinted with a lifetime of experience returns to the sea adding its energy and experiences into the sea, which contains the water from countless other souls experiences.
Any water from the spiritual sea that fills new bottles contains the most recently evolved energy and information.
Previous ideas that the same soul is reborn over and over into many different lifetimes, was metaphorically blown clean out of the water by this insight.
The exceptions
The exception that proves the rule
There are usually exceptions to any rule and there are in this case also. If a soul has a strong enough will to stay in the physical realm, it can leave the broken body, but instead of entering the spiritual sea, the soul stays in the ether of the physical realm. It forms a mind memory body that holds the exact same soul together until it finds a new physical body to re-enter for another life experience.
This can happen to enlightened souls who return to serve humanity with good reasons to remember who they were before: these are often spiritual leaders or ‘guru’s’. They are reborn as children to families who will do what is necessary for them to proceed along their intended life path.
However, when a soul that is not enlightened, and addicted to bodily experiences, it can have a strong will not to return to the spiritual realms to evolve. Instead it looks for another adult body to re-enter as soon as possible; it can be a somebody who died in an accident where the soul has left but the body did not sustain irreparable damage. These experiences are known as ‘walk ins” and there is an array of anecdotal evidence that points to this possibility.
Other opportunities for ‘walk ins’ can be cot-death, when the new soul decides it has no need of a whole lifetime and leaves its body.
Studies have found that young children who remember their previous lives, especially in India, have had some of their memories validated. Generally though, without a good reason to remember, these children forget their memories by the age of four or five as they fully embrace their current life.
why would you want to Traverse Your timeline?
TYT surfaced during a time when there was a sense that the age of the Guru was coming to an end. That we no longer needed to be rescued, saved or told how to act by someone else. What we needed to understand was that we have the potential to be powerfully creative and also more importantly how to access and use this hidden potential in the most helpful way.
The feeling that we are proactive or passive begins in early childhood, and is dependant on the experiences we have, If we are lucky enough to feel SAFE LOVED & CONNECTED we are already halfway to being proactive. But few of us have been lucky enough to receive this state of being from our parents, our ancestors or our societies. The vast majority are just trying to make sense of how to survive in this world. Survival is our primal instinct and somehow we find ways to keep ourselves alive, as best we can. These survival strategies however are often unconscious patterns of childish behaviour, we need to outgrow if we are to thrive.
What if ‘someone’ told your little self, “I’m here, I’ve got you - you are safe, you are loved and you are connected”
What differences do you think this could have made to you during your life?
What TYT is not!
TYT is neither ‘Back to the Future’ nor is it a ‘Time Machine’ ergo the physical body does not travel back through time.
Neither is it psychotherapy, inner child work, rebirthing, psychodrama, regression therapy, hypnotherapy, nor family constellations. It may seem similar in some ways to several of these therapies in the early stages. However as you progress it will become clear that this is more metaphysical in nature, although still therapeutic.
what tyt is
TYT helps you to realise that your consciousness is NOT limited to your physical body. You will be guided to journey out of your body and back through time and space to visit your younger self at various key life events at different ages.
When you learn how to do this well enough, the good news is your future self will already know it well enough to come back and connect with you in the now.
Practice makes progress
By practicing TYT you will learn and develop the best way to communicate with previous timelines. In turn this enables your future-self to reach back to you even more clearly time after time, offering support and wisdom during a challenging situation you currently face. There’s nothing quite like knowing your future self has got your back.
You will benefit from the experience and wisdom of your older wiser self, sharing relevant information with your younger self. A self-regulating way to repair broken patterns from the past, embrace the power of being in the now and mindfully build a more proactive future self.
You’ll discover ‘how to’ proactively love yourself, becoming the guidance, love and support you may not have received as a child, but desperately needed in order to thrive. The changes begin from the time of your first visit, and it can feel as if you’ve always had that support. Even if that sounds unbelievable to you right now, wait and see.
TYT also offers you a new perspective and greater awareness of your old patterns of behaviour that limit and even sabotage you. It helps you to uncover the roots of these old habits and patterns that have become hard wired unconscious behaviours that literally control your life. The patterns that have become your misshapen identity.
TYT shows you how to uncover and gently erase the cause of self-sabotaging habits, helped by older and wiser version of you who is more conscious. New habits can then be put in place, with a healthier root that offer you choices of behaviour instead of these fixed childish habits. This will lead you towards your inner peace.
Any healing, medium-ship or psychic development you have already done, will be put to good use in this module. Don’t worry if you haven’t done previous training though, you will be taught techniques you can practice and develop on your own. There is also a dedicated FB group that can offer you support as well as being a forum for others to share their intriguing stories.
why learn TYT
The goal of this module is to move you from a state of surviving towards that of thriving. The feeling of inner peace it helps you to attain is key to a proactive, happier and healthier lifestyle, all with the help of your future self.
In part 7 you can read accounts of the life-changing and sometimes life-saving experiences students of the course have shared.
Imagine if you could visit yourself as a child whenever you want - what would you say? Follow the guidance on this audio, visit your sleeping child and initiate your connection. Note the date you start your journey in your diary. Your future self will want to visit you that day to help you out.
Past,present and future TYT - You are the trilogy of you, what you put in, you will get out, what goes around comes around…