Module Seven part 2 - how to travel through your timeline
practice remote viewing and learn what it can be used for
learn to take your consciousness out of your physical body
sense energy and information from a location being mindful of your analytical mind
Practice writing and drawing information from an out of body location
Understand how to interpret what you write and draw
Gain validation of the information you get when you remote view
remote viewing a distant location isn’t new
‘Journeying’ as they called it was the domain of Shaman, Mystics or Yogis who used it during ritualistic trance like states, in some of the most ancient cultures across Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Sometimes the process was enhanced by the use of plant medicine. *We’ll come back to why this may have been the case.
Journeying was brought to light in the modern world during the 1970’s when psychics were enlisted by the CIA as spies. This journeying became known as ‘Remote Viewing’ and was a well-funded program within the US military named the "Stargate Project". Should this 3rd party link break, simply google the Startgate Project to find out more.
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing today isn’t thought of as a genuine ability by traditional science, the jury is still out, regardless of the $millions the CIA invested in its research.
The main problem they discovered was what they refer to as ‘The Analytical Overlay’
We’ve covered this idea already in the first three modules. It is when all too often our analytical mind creates so much noise, we can hardly hear the incoming signal, and therefore the information is distorted. *This could well be why ancient cultures used plant medicine to create an ‘altered state’. In other words to enhance right-brain dominance so they can more easily connect to the spiritual wisdom and quieten the logical thinking mind that offers up ‘the analytical overlay’.
Good news, in this module you can learn techniques to help quell the noise so that you can more clearly pick up the incoming signals, without using ‘plant medicine’.
Remote Viewing is an amazingly powerful tool that most people can learn, including you, and you can achieve a basic level of competence by completing this module. If you want to develop beyond the basics in many areas, practice makes progress and you are welcome to check out the retreats we are planning going forward.
It’s possible to witness places, events, objects, and people, at any location, no matter the distance, no matter the time, whether it be past, present, or even future in certain circumstances. With a little guidance we all have the potential to tune-in to do extraordinary things that many people think are impossible.
Regular people have used remote viewing to successfully predict the stock market, solve crimes, predict world events, become more successful in their lives or simply check out destinations on their travel itinerary before they set off. Most importantly, we use this skill to Traverse our Timeline!
However there are things that an aspiring remote viewer needs, to become competent in this skill…
These are
A child-like curiosity,
The intent to go beyond what you may logically think is possible
To approach the exercise in a lighthearted frame of mind.
That’s it, are you ready?
Please do the remote view exercise in the video
Don’t be tempted to peep
To get maximum benefit, please resist looking at the photograph of the location shown later in the video, until you have completed the remote view exercise and done any drawing and/ or writing you were inspired to do. You can even pause the video when instructed if you need more time before the reveal.
Have fun learning to remote view using hidden photographs as the target area
For further practice you can use a 3rd party website Target Monkey here if the link becomes broken search ‘remote view target monkey’